Get the source of a package =========================== Before you can work on a :term:`source package` you need to get the :term:`source code` of that package. This article presents four ways to achieve this: :command:`git-ubuntu`, :command:`pull-pkg`, and :command:`apt-get source`, and :command:`dget`. git-ubuntu ---------- .. note:: ``git-ubuntu`` is the modern way of working with :term:`Ubuntu` source packages. .. warning:: ``git-ubuntu`` is still in active development and these instructions will likely change over time. While ``git-ubuntu`` will become the default packaging method, for now you may encounter rough edges or unsupported edge cases. You can ask for help in the ``#ubuntu-devel`` channel or `open a bug report `_ on :term:`Launchpad`. Bug reports are very welcome! Install ~~~~~~~ The following command will install ``git-ubuntu``: .. code-block:: bash sudo snap install --classic --edge git-ubuntu Basic usage ~~~~~~~~~~~ To clone a source package git repository to a directory: .. code-block:: bash git-ubuntu clone PACKAGE [DIRECTORY] To generate the :term:`orig tarballs ` for a given source package: .. code-block:: bash git-ubuntu export-orig Example ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash git-ubuntu clone hello cd hello git-ubuntu export-orig You can find further information in these two blog articles (note that they are from 2017): - `git-ubuntu clone `_ - `Git Ubuntu: More on the imported repositories `_ pull-pkg -------- The :command:`pull-pkg` command is part of the ``ubuntu-dev-tools`` package and downloads a specific version of a source package, or the latest version from a specified release. Install ~~~~~~~ The following command will install ``ubtuntu-dev-tools``, which includes :command:`pull-pkg`: .. code-block:: bash sudo apt update && sudo apt install ubuntu-dev-tools Basic usage ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: none pull-pkg [OPTIONS] PACKAGE-NAME [SERIES|VERSION] You can find further information on the manual page :manpage:`pull-pkg(1)`. Examples ~~~~~~~~ There are convenience scripts that follow a similar syntax and set the ``OPTIONS`` for pull type and :term:`Distribution` appropriately. Here are three examples (although there are others): :command:`pull-lp-source` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * To download the latest version of the ``hello`` source package for the :term:`Current Release in Development` from Launchpad: .. code-block:: bash pull-lp-source hello * To download the latest version of the ``hello`` source package for the Ubuntu ``mantic`` release from Launchpad: .. code-block:: bash pull-lp-source hello mantic * To download version ``2.10-3`` of the ``hello`` source package from Launchpad: .. code-block:: bash pull-lp-source hello 2.10-3 :command:`pull-ppa-source` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * To download the latest version of the ``hello`` source package from the Launchpad :term:`Personal Package Archive` (PPA), also called ``hello``, of the user ``dviererbe``: .. code-block:: bash pull-ppa-source --ppa 'dviererbe/hello' 'hello' * To download the latest version of the ``hello`` source package for the ``mantic`` release from the same Launchpad PPA: .. code-block:: bash pull-ppa-source --ppa 'dviererbe/hello' 'hello' 'mantic' * To download version ``2.10-3`` of the ``hello`` source package for the ``mantic`` release from the same Launchpad PPA: .. code-block:: bash pull-ppa-source --ppa 'dviererbe/hello' 'hello' '2.10-3' :command:`pull-debian-source` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * To download the latest version of the ``hello`` source package from :term:`Debian`: .. code-block:: bash pull-debian-source 'hello' * To download the latest version of the ``hello`` source package for the ``sid`` release from Debian: .. code-block:: bash pull-debian-source 'hello' 'sid' * To download the version ``2.10-3`` of the ``hello`` source package from Debian: .. code-block:: bash pull-debian-source 'hello' '2.10-3' :command:`apt-get source` ------------------------- The :term:`APT` package manager can also fetch source packages. .. important:: Source packages are tracked separately from :term:`binary packages ` via ``deb-src`` lines in the :manpage:`sources.list(5)` files. This means that you will need to add such a line for each :term:`repository ` you want to get source packages from; otherwise you will probably get either the wrong (too old/too new) source package versions -- or none at all. Basic usage ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: apt :sync: apt .. code-block:: none apt source PACKAGE-NAME You can find further information on the manual page :manpage:`apt(8)`. .. tab-item:: apt-get :sync: apt-get .. code-block:: none apt-get source PACKAGE-NAME You can find further information on the manual page :manpage:`apt-get(8)`. Example ~~~~~~~ .. tab-set:: .. tab-item:: apt :sync: apt .. code-block:: bash apt source 'hello' .. tab-item:: apt-get :sync: apt-get .. code-block:: bash apt-get source 'hello' ``dget`` -------- The :command:`dget` command is part of the ``devscripts`` package. If you call it with the URL of a ``.dsc`` or ``.changes`` file it acts as a source package aware :manpage:`wget(1)` and downloads all associated files that are listed in the ``.dsc`` or ``.changes`` file (debian tarball, :term:`orig tarballs `, :term:`upstream` :term:`signatures `). Install ~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash sudo apt update && sudo apt install devscripts Basic usage ~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: bash dget URL Example ~~~~~~~ Go to Launchpad and select the package you want to download (in this example; the latest version of the ``hello`` source package): .. image:: ../images/how-to/get-package-source/lp-hello-package.png :align: center :width: 35 em :alt: Launchpad overview page for the hello source package with an arrow pointing to the Mantic Minotaur 2.10-3 release. Next, copy the download link of the ``.dsc`` file: .. image:: ../images/how-to/get-package-source/lp-hello-package-2.10-3.png :align: center :width: 35 em :alt: Launchpad overview page for the 2.10-3 release of the hello source package with an arrow pointing to the .dsc file link. Finally, call ``dget`` with the copied URL: .. code-block:: bash dget Note that this works for links from Debian and Launchpad Personal Package Archives too. You can find further information on the manual page :manpage:`dget(1)`.