Download a new upstream version =============================== Once in a while you may need to download a new :term:`upstream ` release or check if a newer upstream release exists; for example: - When fixing a bug, to rule out that a more recent version may have already fixed the bug. - As a :term:`source package ` :term:`maintainer `, to check for, download, and package a newer upstream release. Most of the source packages contain a ``watch`` file in the ``debian`` folder. This is a configuration file for the :manpage:`uscan(1)` utility which allows you to automatically search HTTP or FTP sites or :manpage:`git(1)` repositories for newly available updates of the upstream project. .. note:: If the source package does not contain a :file:`debian/watch` file, there may be an explanation and instructions in the :file:`debain/README.source` or :file:`debian/README.debian` file (if available) that tell you how to proceed. Best practices -------------- You should download upstream file(s) manually only if there is no automatic download mechanism and you can't find any download instructions. Remember that a package may get distributed to hundreds of thousands of users. Humans are the weakest link in this distribution chain, because we may accidentally miss or skip a verification step, misspell a :term:`URL`, copy the wrong URL or copy a URL only partially, etc. If you still have to download upstream file(s) manually make sure to verify :term:`Cryptographic Signatures ` (if available). The :term:`Signing Key` of the upstream project should be stored in the source package as :file:`debian/upstream/signing-key.asc` (if the upstream project has a signing key). :manpage:`uscan(1)` verifies downloads against this signing key automatically (if available). Download new upstream version (if available) -------------------------------------------- Running :manpage:`uscan(1)` from the :term:`Root` of the :term:`Source Tree` will check if a newer upstream version exists and downloads it: .. code-block:: bash uscan If :manpage:`uscan(1)` could not find a newer upstream version it will return with the exit code `1` and print nothing to the :term:`Standard Output`. :manpage:`uscan(1)` reads the first entry in :file:`debian/changelog` to determine the name and version of the source package. You can always add the ``--verbose`` flag to see more information (e.g., which version :manpage:`uscan(1)` found): .. code-block:: bash uscan --verbose Check for new upstream version (no download) -------------------------------------------- If you just want to check if a new update is available, but you don't want to download anything, you can run the :manpage:`uscan(1)` command with the ``--safe`` flag from the :term:`Root` of the source tree: .. code-block:: bash uscan --safe Force the download ------------------ You can use the ``--force-download`` flag to download an upstream release from the upstream project, even if the upstream Release is up-to-date with the source package: .. code-block:: bash uscan --force-download Download the source of older versions from the upstream project --------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to download the source of a specific version from the upstream project you can use the ``--download-version`` flag. Basic syntax: .. code-block:: none uscan --download-version VERSION For example: .. code-block:: bash uscan --download-version '1.0' In the special case that you want to download the source for the current version of the source package from the upstream project you can use the ``--download-current-version`` flag instead, which parses the version to download from the first entry in :file:`debian/changelog` file: .. code:: bash uscan --download-current-version .. note:: The ``--download-version`` and ``--download-current-version`` flags are both a :term:`best-effort` features of :manpage:`uscan(1)`. There are special cases where they do not work for technical reasons. .. note:: In most cases you actually want to download the source from the :term:`Ubuntu Archive` and not re-download the source from the upstream project. :doc:`How to get the Source from the Archive? ` Further Information ------------------- - Manual page -- :manpage:`uscan(1)` - Debian wiki -- `debian/watch `_ - Debian policy ```` -- `Upstream source location: debian/watch `_